Wednesday, August 5, 2015

Respect is expected at what point? Mistress Noir 1

... from the first HELLO!

I have been doing fetish professionally for awhile now, so it amazes me at the disrespectful and downright rude behavior of those who've contacted me and engaged in my specialties. Now its trickled into those who I consider to be valued subby's/clients with established relationships between them and myself. 

What's up with mankind? 

Respect is still respect... right? 

Manners haven't been discontinued from the human race yet, have they? 
I checked we all revolve around a 24 hour clock. I'm going to assume each of us are all trying to maximize our time to its fullest each and every day, right? Do you tolerate a schedule of appointments that no call no show? Do you have a calendar of clients who fill the week and fail to properly cancel, or do at the very last minute, effectively killing your business opportunities one by one til you reach the end of a promising full business week? 

This isn't a sometimes occurrence, this is a damn epidemic with lots of mankind who are interacting with me. Now mind you, I'm not calling mankind and asking that they make appointments with me just to no show and cancel as fast as they schedule them... no! no! no! Mankind is calling me and setting up time with me of their own freewill. 

I assume they are aware of their schedules that day or the day + they book time with me and if their schedules change, the polite and unspoken business ettiquettte of manners would be contact the person with whom you made an appointment with if you have to reschedule A eeeeeeeeee cancel for whatever reason as soon as you know you cant keep a commitment you have initiated? Right? This is a no brainer in my humble opinion.8
Wow! No matter how I see this, it comes back as rude, disrespectful, calculating, time sabatoging, and personal quality of life monsters of the worst kinds. I pretty sure if I wasnt prepared and ready for those that come to see me, or accept session requests and then didnt show up to our schedules session time, I would have zero clients and a pretty bad rap with mankind who would post mean reviews all over our cyber land bitching and moaning how flaky I was and how terrible I was for being a scamy lazy provider wasting everyones scared and vauable time, right?

Is it because what I do falls under the "Adult Industry" that warrants one to lose their respect for women as a whole? Is it because internet porn is so FREE anymore that you think I should be treated as frivolously as you do your XTUBE video clips? Is it the same now that I should be at your finger tips and instant gratification?! Do you think we should be waiting for your call, be available instantly because you are in my area or right around the corner? Are adult providers a lower class human than your wife, mother, daughter, sister? Does providing a safe outlet for your fetish exploration disqualify me from being respected by those that procure services from a adult provider? Maybe our time is less important than yours? Our lives don't matter beyond the time you interact with me directly? I don't know what the real reasons are but damn it I'm gonna start a research poll, I'm curious and want to know whats going on in the brains of you mankind.

But in the mean time I am going to ask you to change your bad behavior mankind.

* Don't be a time blocker, or a time waster.
* If you are not ready for a session with me in person, do not make an appointment and then no call no show.
* Don't call me without giving me at least an hour to prepare for your time with me.
* Don't disrespect the service I am providing you by trying to negotiate cheaper tributes or asking me to do my livelihood pro-bono with you.
* Don't ask me to do sexual acts as I am not an escort.
* If you don't understand what a fetish is, or the basic concepts of domination, don't ask me to explain it to you over the phone. Google is your friend just like it is for me too.  Do your homework.

Thank you!
Noir (and that's Mistress Noir to you)

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