Monday, May 23, 2016

Don't make me shove this chicken up your ass! Mistress Noir

Gives new meaning to "flipping the bird"...

Whats funnier is... I have threatened a couple of subs with shoving a chicken up their ass if they didn't stop whatever they were doing at the time.

Hmmm, lol... now I really can shove a chicken up your ass!

Just remember that if you find yourself being threatened by me, the consequence of putting a chicken up your ass in a future session.

Go ahead, dare me.... typed with an evil grin!


Sunday, May 22, 2016

Quote me... Mistress Noir

Social media.... ahhhh don't you love it?

I collect quotes like a piggy bank collects pennies!

What do you do with 150 gazillion saved quotes? Hmmmmm.... well there is Pintrest boards, or bathroom wallpaper if you print them out, or I can artsy fartsy a few together on my smartphone and then pop 'em up on my blog.

Ok, ok perhaps not the most "dominatrixee" sort of thing one could argue as far as blog posts go but, wtf?

I love being creative (really, is that even something that needs to be said, lol) and you lucky fucks get to enjoy some of my creative energy in this post. 

if you don't appreciate this kind of show n tell from your Mistress, that's fine. Click thru to another post. If you do, well here you go...

Saturday, May 7, 2016


Men, boys, boi's, Goddesses, Dom's/Dommes, girls, and - fucking rainbow unicorns, (did I forget anyone? Lol)

Please shed some light on what is a Dominatrix supposed to do with the message... "you are soooo scary" over and over and over and over and over and...
over and...
over and...
and - are you starting to get it?


Within the role of Dominatrix, I have honed some seriously kinky skill sets. Some of the kinks Im into could be considered scary, but for others it's the flame that draws the moth. 

Those who come to me are looking for the envelope to be pushed, they seek the girl who can push their buttons, tap their adrenaline, take them down a path that is less traveled, be it dark and sometimes scary.

There are those that like scary movies, go to haunted houses, some jump out of planes, and those who run into burning buildings, or build skyscrapers, run 30 miles before breakfast... we all have our own interests when it comes to exciting things we like to do. 

Adrenaline junkies seek things and stuff to feed their adrenaline cravings, those who like scary entertainment seek scary situations, dominants sometimes seek escape and wish to feel TOTAL POWER EXCHANGE, and there are those who have fetishes that are extreme. 

It takes a confident, skilled, and yes even a scary personality of sorts to do what I do.

That being said, YES I AM A SCARY BITCH! But let that not be the only thing that defines me.

Yes I am human, and have friends, companions, toys of human nature, a lover, family. What do these have to do with being a Dominatrix? Everything and nothing. Life if lived to its fullest requires a certain balance all by itself. In my case,  one gets balanced in the others. Why do you need to know this? 

I believe men get so caught up in the fantasy, that separating the human from the role doesn't come to mind in the moment. Living in a dual personality makes it sometimes impossible for me to say I am or I'm not.

This I get.

Yes my time has value - my expertise has its worth - my craft has been an investment - quality is important when one wants to play mind games and tip toe around in the dark side. My scary for some is what's needed, but for others it's knowing that I do scary things, and others see it as required to do the things I do. Bdsm, kink and fetish are all mind based. The activities are the things that support the mental piece that has marinated in your thoughts a long time, for some of you. 

This is how it works in the real world pretty boy, you don't have to do what you don't want to do. You have safe words, and they are honored. With communication that delves deeper than "just dominate me" the more I understand what your fantasy looks like in your head the more fulfilling the experience, has been my reality. 

Humans are complicated when it comes to exposing their dark desires, or fear judgement of their fetishes, some even get off on the humiliation of the acts they are challenged to submit too. Let me remind you, it's still your fantasy. 

Jump down the rabbit hole. 

Mistress Noir