Tuesday, November 14, 2017

Men... on Time! You need to know....

Ok boys out comes my snappy... this happens alot and when it does egads it pisses me off.
Let's just make this blog about time...

When someone calls me I can usually see them within 60 to 120 minutes from when you call. I can NOT see someone now or in a few min from your call. Ever! I always need an hour of lead time...at a minimum, I prefer 2.

Why ??? Because i see you in a space that  I call home. Just because it's not dedicated play space -that means I must turn my space into a play space. No folks I don't run around in my Domme attire  and my space... also shared living space usually needs to get prepped for your session. I think you guys don't realize but preparation and clean up adds time to the session. The behind the scenes work makes YOUR session smooth, and me a better Domme facilitator. Respecting someone's time makes the experience better for both sides.

Don't arrive late...
Don't arrive early...
Don't make an appt... then not call  or text and  just not.show up...
Don't book time then cancel 20 minutes or wait til you should be here then call to let me know you are not coming.

It's rude!
Technology makes it very easy to undo whatever you have set into motion. Shit happens I do understand but when you hold someones time hostage then you for whatever reason do not keep your session... you have wasted their time, you have made a person stop they were doing at that moment in time 2 put their life on hold and then go prepare for you and experience that you have initiated not I you called me... now even though you haven't even arrived yet I'm spending an hour to make your fantasy the best that I can be once you arrive so can you imagine what it's like when there's no fantasies to fulfill and nobody arrives.

Words don't even describe the voodoo I want to cast when that happens. Not  showing  up  is the worst, but arriving early and arriving late also super sucks. I'm not a big clock watcher but when I only have one hour to get prepared and I might not even be home and I race home and fly about to create my magic so that I'm ready when you get here and you try to get here early that fucks with me and every phone call and every text in that window of an hour makes it 5 or 10 minutes even longer for me to get ready because I have to stop answer the phone or have to answer a text and it is also time absorbing so don't text during that window of our less it's to say ma'am I'm not coming so I can stop getting ready for you if you're not going to show up that's the polite and nice thing to do the Golden Rule  boys .... thr Golden Rule! Late is late..
And people who run late just know you're going to get 10 slots for every minute you show up late so you could start this session with a great big old 1000 SWAT spanking if you're dilly dallying to arrive. Ugh! Right...

I respect your time you respect my time communication is key even before you get here if you can communicate to come communicate that you can't come if you can't come otherwise.... show up! We're going to have a great time.

I'll probably take this post down once I see a difference in the time management or the time respect from you that are coming to request my time it's very easy...  you just have to show the fuck up... and do so on time.

Mistress Noir

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