Wednesday, October 16, 2019

11 followers... and 2 of them are dead!

Probably a catch 22 thing... I am not much of a blogger because I dont have any followers. Well I have 11 it says. I know for sure 2 of them dont count as Miss Fortunes and Sadie Hawkins have both passed away. Holly a fee years ago, heart attack and Sadie Hawkins tragically murdered this past December by her former slave Miss Fiona, who in turn took his own life in the process of law enforcement attempting to arrest him for her murder. Anyways... back to the focus of this post, I have 9 followers it would seem. Nine followers seems low maintenance in my head. It also doesnt seem like many want me to keep posting on my blog. Because for as long as I can remember I have had just 11 (9) followers. I would probably be more interested in putting up new content and posting more often if I saw the followers grow from 11 to more than 11. I would interact and engage more on my blog if those who visit my blog would post comments.... But until there is any sign of life on my blog other than me posting stuff that may or may not be read by those that come and view my blog I'm kinda lazy about posting stuff. If you want me to post different stuff let me know in the comments. If there is another reason I might be overlooking as to why this blog feels dead let me know that too. Cheers, Mistress Noir

1 comment:

  1. Crickets I say.... damn my fans and online trolls... you all suck! Oh well... I guess I cant change the fact my peeps are happy with a blog that's slow to get new content. Silence is such buzzkill. Just sayin'
