Tuesday, March 1, 2011

"I would love to get to know you..."

A one lined email from nobody I know gushing a request for friendship accepted

"Id really love to get to know you...now that we are friends" from a unknown sending me an email saying just that ~


You... a faceless voice in cyberspace loving an opportunity for a part of me?
May we chat?
Or even better, Skype?
You gotta webcam? - me too...

Why sam ?

Being very sincere in my question... what is the benefit? What is the purpose? To know someone means what? When its to know some just online .... where is the tactile experiences of being in the presence of? Crazy we have become valuing the never met person over a person you can touch - feel - taste - smell all the time?

I gotta find Dragon Software [for free not 200 bucks]- I really hate typing - I wonder if I talked to the computer I might love it better? I will ponder....

Building social networks, having the large friendship circle in a cyber community does what for me again?

End of a day, if there is any time left to forge new online relationships, they better be as good as the manicure I eventually will ruin from the clicking on keys to my keyboard, otherwise no thank you.

To all the cyber flirts that want to "get to know me "... how does getting to know me benefit you and what will you do with it ?

Everything and everyone has a price for what they keep in their heads.

This is truly all that I know.

Simply put - we all have 24 hours to a day !!!
choose wisely those you invite into your personal space -
prioritize that which you cant do tomorrow -
then give those you love the time and attn they desire of you -
take a moment to acknowledge that which makes you grateful for gratitude is not an elective in a life well spent -
give someone a piece of you be it support or labor or wisdom or a life lesson -
savor your significant other and give them your authentic self -
invest in a legacy that others will not ignore -
be selfish with learning, knowledge is an investment that pays off -
I must ask to determine the value of honoring your sweet request, what is the price I will pay for investing my time with you?

Will I be richer, smarter, feel more relaxed or better in bed?

I don't know...

The above I have asked of you, if you apply what I know you will be richer than most.

Its intended to make the most of your 24 hours if I put all this back in your head.

To be exactly as you want, no I don't think so -

Thats enough about me...


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