Monday, May 16, 2011

Only Half the Story - You CRAZY Bitch ....

Man o Man I have had this homework since last week... and just now sitting down to do it or my partner in crime is gonna turn into a CRAZY BITCH on me. [Luv ya Miss F] We spend alot of time together and NOTHING is BETTER THAN having fun together on a work night with someone who knows us well or at least one of us well.

Miss F has a favorite regular, Hitachi Man he is fondly called. Did you know if you have been given a nickname by us that means you are in the super duper special club of ours? Ha ha nope I didn't know it either. Well one of the perks of being a VIP of ours is you get PERKS my dear. Whats the perks you might ask. Oh no can't tell ya - you need to become a VIP and find out for yourself.

Back to the details details .... about what happened the other night. I will tell you - There are the rare few that can TOP me but it does happen occasionally. I dont think I could be a professional submissive but man o man I understand what it is about being a switch dominant. I tend to need refreshment periods where I am put in the same situations many find themselves when they turn themselves over to me for a power exchange session. I have made a personal commitment to me, to not put others in situations I cant relate too or understand. Its just not a good idea. So when Holly came to me and asked if I was up for a role reversal session I said heck yeah !! Lets rock this opportunity. I actually felt a bit honored that my BFF shared a night of fun with her most favorite of favorite regulars the ever forever respected Hitachi Man.

My my my... it was fun. We spent a good hour plus fretting costumes. Good lord the BFF threw a holy loving tizzy when she got a text 10 min out that we had our costumes already picked and they were with him. I was told we couldnt say a word upon his arrival and if we did we'd be banned to the porch naked. HUMMPF... thats not nice.

Meanwhile tizzies are to be had as we both have body conscious issues and getting naked is never an option either of us relish. NOR IS WEARING A COSTUME THAT MAKES YOU LOOK HORRID AND HAPLESS.  Just the idea of a man bringing our outfits freaked us both a bit.  But I was brave.... giggle - hey this is MY side of the story so I get to tell it my way. Her side is on her blog. Anyways - a couple shots of vodka made from grapes no less and I was A-ok and would have gotten neked had it been the request but no I was given the cutest latex costume.

Shhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh- I know this is gonna shock the masses but this would be the very first time I have ever worn latex. It wasnt the cheapo stuff either it was buttery yummy and made me feel very very kinky sexy  and I like that feeling alot.

Once costumes were donned we then had to wear latex hoods ... holy mother of kinky stinky terror I was asked to wear a hood with a penis sticking out from the mouth area. Ummm hell no - veto I say.  WE compromised with another less decorated one and once the hood was zipped on our mouthes had to turn off.

Now word on the street is IM ALOT OF WORK - and I still dont know if that is a compliment or not. Its not even the first time I have heard such a remark, me a handful???. Sheesh -giggling if that is the case then Holly and I together are _________ a full blown workout.

He had us hooded and wow that is an experience. Then came bondage. Something about being blindfolded and tied up so there wouldnt be any wiggling... its freeing in a way because then you are left to accept whatever your fate is, because there isnt a damn thing I can do about it.

Now I know Miss F is waiting for the juicy details of what happened to me while she was in the other room being naughty and escaping and going to the bathroom but I am such a in the moment girl that I dont think my  little pillow talk of the experience is gonna sate her curiosity. But I will kiss and tell from my perspective.

I pushed the envelope and tested the sternness of my TOP for the evening. I silently assess the scenario. Hitachi was getting what he threatened last time he played with us. Well me, and that serious spanking. Both of us were in bondage and hooded in separate rooms of our playspace. [thats right our playspace has multiple rooms and tons of toys and props- self promote sha-grin sha-grin] He now had us both where he wanted us and that in itself was some work on his part.

Actually the details of this part get a bit fuzzy, [sorry BFF ;0).. ] but I know I musta pushed buttons right away as I was rewarded and just a instant from there I was being punished for hmmmm I can't remember. He left the hitachi on but nowhere near anything helpful or useful for me to fully enjoy it. Then he was off to tend to my troublemaker BFF and he was gone foreeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeever.... [see how the stories differ? Ive already read her blog accounting the evening and hmmmm she is trouble]

The buzzzing was getting the best of my situation, so I somehow manage to wiggle wiggle wiggle myself around to a position that was ahhhhhh much better to enjoy the buzz of the Hitachi wand. I guess I didn't really listen well as I  am pretty sure he told me not to move or wiggle when he left to tend to my BFF. I wiggle.

Upon his return, I could tell Hitachi Man was earning his playtime, I could pick up on his heightened breathing. Back and forth tending to 2 girls was fun? Sounds like alot of work to me. This is the part that gets really fuzzy for me.... but all I can say is I lived!! I am a better person because of it. I experienced things I hadnt been in touch with in a while and whatever Hitachi did in conclusion OMG ... its good to be me. me ME... [yeah its work, but I love it]

Thats my story and I am sticking to it... You Bitch You CRrrraZZY Bitch.... [lmao- inside joke between Miss F and I. I laugh so hard I cry] 
 Read Fortunes Half of the Story

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