Saturday, May 29, 2010

Comments from the PEE-nut Gallery begins when?

No comments...
No interaction...
I revive my website because I let the last one DIE, and now I create a blog so I can interact with you and this is what I get ??
Crickets chirping in my cloud space.
Well alrighty then.

I could use some assistance getting the simple 10 page website into a format that is functional. So far I have managed to wreak havoc on everything past the first page. Giggle damn it I try - I just don't speak computer-neeze on a keyboard.


If the damn machine was only submissive...

Lol ~

I'll keep pluggin' away but do me a favor you profile stalkers... Maybe a shout out, a COMMENT, a review, an offer of assistance to lend me a web design hand? Im using "website tonight" if there is a helpful soul in the bunch out here...

Ms Noir


  1. Happy Birthday Love!!! I get to spank you right? I'm a qualified professional!

  2. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
